About the Teen Advisory Board (TAB)
Founded in November of 2012, the library’s TAB officially stands for Teen Advisory Board (and unofficially stands for Totally Awesome Book-lovers). The board is made up of teenagers in middle and high school who have a desire to help their community and a love for the library. The TAB meets with the Teen Librarian monthly to help plan programs, select books, and make other suggestions for how the library can improve its services to teens to fulfill their needs and interests.

Officers and Board Members
President: Norah Jewett
Vice president: Ella Checksfield
Secretary: Odessa Moca
Treasurer: Bella Broderick
Display Coordinator: Amelia Jewett
Anime Coordinator:
Zenab Ba
Tony Galuardi
Claire Healey
Lily Kenna
Natalie Lassen
Alyssa Magill
Althea Pisani-Gross
TAB Alumni
Cameron Abell | James McIntosh |
Payton Andrews | Eliza Michaels |
Annika Barrett | Siyana Minkova |
Bridget Booth | Nola Minogue |
Logan Candelora | Solenn Minogue |
Malia Cole | Thien-Kim N Nguyen |
Laura Conner | Libby Panico |
Maria Connor | Grace Pelletier |
Brielle Donnelly | Renee Pelletier |
Heidi Eberhardt | Auden Philbrick |
Eli Eberhardt | Lilly Povey |
Ada Fernandez | Kailey Quintino |
Ashton Harville-Fry | Amanda Rosenberg |
Emma Jackimowicz | Emily Rosenberg |
Shannon Leftridge | Logan Rushing |
Deirdre Maciak | Clea Shumria |
Sydney Maciak | Jackie Swanick |
Some Major Accomplishments Since 2012
- Selected over 100 new books for the Teen collection by reading professional reviews
- Helped plan summer reading events
- Recruited new members to build a dedicated board
- Assisted with planning and executing a “stuffed animal sleepover” for children
- Created beautiful new displays in the Teen area
- Assisted with an interactive movie experience for teens
- Recorded and shared all minutes via Google Docs and used Skype to connect with members that couldn’t attend in person
- Created videos to promote summer reading for the CSLP Teen Video Challenge (2014, 2015, 2016)
- Ran a toiletries collection drive for Waltham House, which raised 87 individual items weighing 34 pounds
- Attended the Boston Book Festival in 2014 and 2024
- Participated in the BFYA Teen Feedback Session at the American Library Association’s 2016 Midwinter Conference
- Assists with the annual Summer Reading Kickoff
- Organized and ran the annual Battle of the Books on the Teen Instagram page
Contact Katie Nelson with any questions.