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Meeting Room FAQs
How often may my group use the meeting rooms?

Groups are limited to one meeting room per month. This limit has been created in order to create fair opportunities for all groups, and because the rooms are frequently used for library programs and by outside groups.

Why are some dates completely grayed out?

Requests must be made at least seven days in advance, but no more than three months in advance. Days when the library is closed are also unavailable.

May my business use a meeting room if no money is exchanged or we don’t advertise our services?

No. Meeting rooms are not available for for-profit organizations or personal use.

May I hold a private meeting in a meeting room?

No. All events taking place in the meeting rooms must be free and open to the public. Doors may be shut to control sound, but no one may be denied entry. 

May I study in a meeting room?

No. Meeting rooms are a community asset and cannot be used for any personal reasons.

Is there a space where I can study or take a Zoom meeting?

The main library has two study rooms on the second floor that can accommodate two people each. These are available on a first come, first serve basis.

What if I need technology help during my meeting?

If AV technology is requested, the library is pleased to provide AV training prior to your meeting. Library staff are not able to assist with technology issues during your meeting as they must remain available for regular public service during their shifts. 

May I eat or drink in the meeting rooms?

Refreshments are allowed in the Sohier Room and Conrad Room. Only water is allowed in the Barnet Gallery, Fogg Room, and Loring Room.  

Does the library provide name tags, staplers, tape, etc.?

No. You must bring any materials that you need for your meeting.  

May I tape a sign to the door about my meeting?

Any posting or mounting of materials on walls, doors or equipment is prohibited. At the main library, the meeting name, time, and room will be listed on the digital sign in the lobby.

Where else can I have a meeting in Beverly?

Check our list of Beverly Community Spaces and contact the organizations directly.

Permission to use the meeting rooms at the Beverly Public Library (Beverly, MA) will be granted to groups fulfilling the requirements listed in the Meeting Room Policy.